Monday, March 05, 2007


What you do is more important than what you say

Remember the story Jesus told about the son who when asked to do something by his father immediately said "Yes, I will do it," but didn't follow through and do the task? The other son told his father he would not do it, but then did.

This is a parable for me. I love to read books about health. I read recipe books, analyze all the healthy ingredients, look at all the pictures of good food. It's great fun to make plans for healthier living and imagine how great it will feel to lose weight, have clothes that fit, and have more energy. I'm like son who told the father he would do the task, but then didn't follow through.

If you're like me, all this talk and planning and reading isn't going to get us anywhere. Let's remember the son who followed through. Really, don't you think if we have more action than talk, we'll see more results!

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