Sunday, April 30, 2006


Praise - 4 months sugar-free

Since part of the Armor of God includes the gospel feet, today is a perfect day to offer a praise. I'd like to share the good news of how God is working in my life. It's the last day of April. I started this blog 4 months ago in January. Thank you so much to those of you who have offered support and encouragement. Early in January, Katie posted to the blog some info about herself. In response to my blog about cutting out cookies, donutes, cake, and candy from my diet, she said she had done the same thing, noting that she had been "sugar free" for 6 years. That was totally amazing to me. I was encouraged to know that it could be done.

Well, it hasn't been 6 years. For me, it's been 4 months. But I am so happy to see God working in my life. I haven't eaten donuts, candy, or any type of sweet, sugary dessert-type food this year. Praise God. No, I'm not perfect. I still overeat on good, healthy food. I still eat too much of even the good food. My appetite is still there. However, I feel God is working in my life to overcome this.

This blog has been a great way for me to create accountability. At least I know someone knows my plans and that I've been striving to let God's power work in my life.

So part of the Armor is the gospel feet, taking good news everywhere. I need to practice this, so I'm starting right here with the blog! Praise God for His wonderful patience with me, and praise Him for helping me overcome my sugar cravings!

Do you have good news to share? I would love to here it. Share your good news. It's just like putting on your gospel feet.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Through Christ's Strength, We Can Be Content

You might be familiar with the popular Bible verse in Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." But did you know the 2 verses prior to this one focus on being content? As human beings, it's hard for us to be content, isn't it? Can we actually be content with a meal that doesn't end with ice cream? Can we be content even when we're in need, even when we're hungry? The Bible reminds us that we can be content. We can do all things - even become content - through Christ who strengthens us.

"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." Philippians 4:11,12

This is such an important thing for me to remember. It doesn't come naturally, so I have to practice. But putting on the armor of God and relying on strength of Jesus, it's possible to be content without cookies, candy, or ice cream!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Each Day

HI everyone - last week my family went on a spring skiing vacation, but I'm back this week! Tammy, thank you so much for your posts. It's so helpful to know I'm not alone.

Trying to be practical, I've been practicing my battle plans. Here is something that I've learned. A battle plan works for one day, but not the second day. When I chart a plan of action for a day, put on the armor of God, and pray for that day, God's power is sufficient for that day. But if I think the battle plan and prayer of yesterday will sustain me through today, I better think again. It hasn't worked for me.

This reminds me of the children of Israel. Maybe they tried to gather twice as much manna as needed to see if it would last for more than one day. Guess what? It didn't work with manna either.

"Then the LORD said to Moses, "I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day. In this way I will test them and see whether they will follow my instructions." Exodus 16:4 NIV

Isn't it interesting to note that the Lord provided enough manna to last for one day and one day only for the Children of Israel? He didn't give them enough for each week, or even enough for 2 days at a time. Each day, they gathered the bread from heaven. In the same way, if I don't take time to put on the armor each day, I find myself working my way through life and fighting my battles without God's armor. I'm on my own, and I don't like it. Not only do I feel lonely (I miss my prayer time), I'm doomed to failure.

If the Children of Israel tried to gather enough manna for two days, the manna went bad and didn't last the 2nd day. Just like left over manna, left over armor and left over prayers aren't going to sustain us through the day. Did you know the manna was full of maggots and smelly the 2nd day? I really don't need to think about my 2nd-day armor being smelly, but if that's the image I need to get me to put on fresh, clean, and effective armor with new prayers every day, then that's what it takes.

It's important to remember that just as God provided manna each day, he provides the strength we need each day if we take the time to gather His armor and put it on daily.

Friday, April 14, 2006


Battle Plan - Use Napkin and Pray

Sitting atop our riding lawn mower, I zoomed around our house this morning cutting grass and thinking of my battle plan for today. Where am I most likely to trip up with my healthy eating plan today? I know exactly where. Every Friday night, our family has beans and cornbread (with sweet potatos as a side), a Friday evening meal tradition carried over from my husband's family. The cornbread gets me. I either load it up with butter, or I load it up with honey. One slice would be fine (even maybe 2), but once I get started, I usually indulge in 3 or 4 slices! Obviously, my body can't absorb these calories, because I have evidence of cornbreads past around my middle. I put on a pair of jean shorts today that are suppose to be my "too big" shorts and they've almost turned into "too tight" shorts.

So, while mowing, I thought and thought about my battle plan with the cornbread tonight. (I have to keep using the water plan I developed yesterday for my car, but I need to add a new one for the cornbread this evening.) I wasn't coming up with anything, about ready to call it hopeless when an idea hit me. I love to play my guitar and I hardly ever take time for it. Tonight, rather than lingering over cornbread, I'll finish up supper quickly, motivated by my goal to get my guitar out and sit on the front porch.

So, here's the battle plan for today:

Step 1: At supper, eat one slice of cornbread with no butter or honey, and the rest of my meal without seconds on anything. When finished, I will put my napkin on my plate to cover it up and remind me that I'm finished.
Step 2: When the napkin goes on my plate, I'll pray for God to help me crave healthy alternatives to eating junk food, to fill my heart with His spirit and love.
Step 3: After the family finishes, clean up dishes, grab guitar and head for the front porch!

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Plan of Action - Drink Water in Car/Pray!

I love to read about the Full Armor of God and get inspired by scripture that encourages me to remain faithful. Be strong and courageous. Be victorious in God's power. It has come to my attention though (through an inspiring writer EG White) that sometimes we need to be more practical than philosophical. We need to follow in Jesus' footsteps one day at time. We need to overcome the tempter with practical action, step by step, each day.

I believe God is really speaking to me about this, because it's time for me to put my faith in action.

To me, this means developing a battle plan for each day. It could be a unique plan for each unique day, because each day has its own challenges. What worked today might not work tomorrow. For example, yesterday exhausted and hungry, I headed to the gas station to fill up the gas containers for our lawn mower. I drove my husband's SUV because hauling those containers makes the vehicle stink, and he offered to have his car get smelly instead of mine. As I was loading up the empty containers into his car, I noticed a can. It was a can of Pringles. Chili cheese Pringles. I had just finished an apple, but I was still hungry. I hadn't had a good lunch, and there they were. So, I opened the can. A few Pringles would hit the spot, right? I closed the back hutch and took the can with me to the front seat. A few more would reallly hit the spot. Guess what? By the time I drove into the gas station, I had devoured half of the Pringles. Do you know how many calories there are in half a can of Pringles - Chile Cheese Pringles? I calculated it then and put it out of my memory, but I think was about 1,000! This is the kind of behavior that sneaks up on me way too often.

So...this morning, I created a battle plan for the day. I decided today any time I went anywhere in the car, I would always take a big glass of ice water (sometimes I squeeze in some lemon - it is awesome). If my tummy is full of water, I'm less apt to fill it with anything else. Plus, when I'm tired and just beat, sometimes I think I need a bite to eat to perk me up. But you know what? Water does that just as well, or better! Water invigorates me.

So I've identified the car as my weakness. I don't watch TV so much anymore, so getting the munchies in front of TV isn't such a problem, but I drive quite a bit, and I need to stop the habit of grabbing food on the road.

So here's my plan to keep this from happening tomorrow:

Step 1: Whenever I'm getting into the car, grab water and drink it.
Step 2: Whenever I'm drinking water, pray for God's spirit and the will to follow His will.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Truth: Through God's Power We Can Overcome

Remember that the Armor of God includes the belt of truth? All of the armor is important, but I have a special appreciation for the belt of truth. Without the truth, I become totally unmotivated. Without truth, I am deceived and walking down the wrong path.

The biggest lie Satan will try to tell you is that you cannot be successful in overcoming unhealthy habits. After years and years of struggling to get rid of junk food addition, wouldn't this be tempting to believe? We must not believe this lie. We can overcome unhealthy habits with God's power. We can overcome any sin in our lives through God's power.

We are called to live as children of light. Would God call us to live as His children if it were not possible?

"Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption." Ephesians 4:30 (NIV)

We grieve the Holy Spirit if we believe it when Satan tells us we cannot live a holy life. The truth is that through God's power, we can overcome.

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