Friday, April 14, 2006


Battle Plan - Use Napkin and Pray

Sitting atop our riding lawn mower, I zoomed around our house this morning cutting grass and thinking of my battle plan for today. Where am I most likely to trip up with my healthy eating plan today? I know exactly where. Every Friday night, our family has beans and cornbread (with sweet potatos as a side), a Friday evening meal tradition carried over from my husband's family. The cornbread gets me. I either load it up with butter, or I load it up with honey. One slice would be fine (even maybe 2), but once I get started, I usually indulge in 3 or 4 slices! Obviously, my body can't absorb these calories, because I have evidence of cornbreads past around my middle. I put on a pair of jean shorts today that are suppose to be my "too big" shorts and they've almost turned into "too tight" shorts.

So, while mowing, I thought and thought about my battle plan with the cornbread tonight. (I have to keep using the water plan I developed yesterday for my car, but I need to add a new one for the cornbread this evening.) I wasn't coming up with anything, about ready to call it hopeless when an idea hit me. I love to play my guitar and I hardly ever take time for it. Tonight, rather than lingering over cornbread, I'll finish up supper quickly, motivated by my goal to get my guitar out and sit on the front porch.

So, here's the battle plan for today:

Step 1: At supper, eat one slice of cornbread with no butter or honey, and the rest of my meal without seconds on anything. When finished, I will put my napkin on my plate to cover it up and remind me that I'm finished.
Step 2: When the napkin goes on my plate, I'll pray for God to help me crave healthy alternatives to eating junk food, to fill my heart with His spirit and love.
Step 3: After the family finishes, clean up dishes, grab guitar and head for the front porch!

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