Sunday, January 01, 2006


Commit the New Year and All of Your Goals to the Lord

It seems I've been trying most of my life to lose weight. Being honest, I must admit that I've spent most of my life "thinking about, reading about, wishing, and planning" to lose weight, more than what I would call truly "trying." Thinking back over the years, I recognize that the one constant motivation for me has been vanity. It all started around 7th grade when I wanted to look better in my jeans. The same motivation of vanity stuck with me through college and into my twenties and thirties. I always wanted to look good, but mostly I talked about wanting to maintain my health. It is a much nobler goal, of course, to strive for weight loss for the purpose of maintaining health, instead of for the purpose of looking good. I have recognized this as part of my problem over the years. If the motivation is vanity, then clearly there will be times, many times, for me more often than not, when the chocolate shake is just simply more appealing than looking good.

Now that I'm in my forties (age 41), I have finally come to realize that there is a far better motivation for maintaining health. The primary purpose for developing good health habits should be to serve the Lord better. After all, if I am sick and in pain, it is going to be much more difficult for me to use my talents for God. If I maintain good health, it could help me to have more energy and to live longer and have more years to serve God. This is a much more important reason for maintaining my health. Obviously, it is much better than vanity.

So, my new year's resolution this year it so commit to the Lord my personal health goals and to keep my focus on serving Him as my goal. I am really tired of over-eating, gorging on junk food that has no nutritional value for my body and just makes me feel "blah" and my clothes feel less and less comfortable. I don't want to have to go out and buy new clothes. So, I still have the goal to get back into some of the clothes that no longer fit. But keeping my focus on the Lord and my service to Him will be an important key to my sucess. Another part of my resolution is to put on the Armor of God to resist unhealthy temptations. I'm starting this blog with a focus on using the Full Armor of God every minute of every hour of every day to keep me strong and committed to maintaining my health for God.

It will be such an encouragement if you will join me so that we can support each other through this blog. If you have found this blog, and if you are with me, will you use the Armor of God yourself and share your stories with me? Tell me how the Armor has helped you. Share a Bible verse that you carry with you all day that helps you in the battle to make healthy choices. I will do the same. I plan to blog here daily every morning. If you join me, and provide your own posts as well, I'll pray for you to have strength in the Lord, and ask that you pray for me also.

Let's let 2006 be the year we succeed in overcoming our junk food addictions. Proverbs 16:3 (NIV) reminds us of this: "Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."

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