Thursday, January 12, 2006


Do the Right Thing - Wear the Breastplate of Righteousness

The second part of the Armor of God is the breastplate of righteousness. So, how do we put on this breastplate? And how can it help us with our battle against temptations for unhealthy food?

First, what is the breastplate? We know that Jesus saved us from our sins (it is through His righteousness that God justifies us and saves us), so the breastplate is the righteousness of Jesus. Wearing the breastplate is like reminding Satan--and ourselves--that we are protected by Jesus' righteousness.

We put on the breastplate by keeping ourselves in a right relationship with God, which leads to right living. We will follow the example of Christ, obeying God's law and loving everyone.

It is so encouraging to me to know that wearing the breastplate of righteousness covers me with the righteousness that Jesus gives me. I want to put on the breastplate every day, by remaining in a right relationship with God. With this part of the Armor to fight off Satan's temptations, I will naturally do the right thing.

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