Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Instant vs. Delayed Gratification

Saying no to treats involves delaying gratification. Sometimes it's easy to do, and other times it involves a great struggle. Sometimes it takes a lot of strength to deny myself the immediate treat of an ice cream cone instead of waiting for the better, yet delayed gratification that comes from a healthy body, feeling fit and strong.

God provides us this strength. I have also noticed that God provides us blessings in many ways, and often the blessings require waiting. If I don't wait, I miss out on the blessing. The greatest blessings come from patience and perseverance. Waiting, having patience, can be hard. We need strength to be able to wait. Where does the strength come from? By waiting for the Lord, we build up strength. If we're waiting on the Lord, we're trusting that He knows best. We're following His plan. Instead of instantly satisfying our cravings, we're trusting that He has a better, more satisfying way, which we will experience, if we will wait.

Here is the promise in Isaiah 40:31

"They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."

Hey Karen,
Just thought I'd share an idea with you. My sister, Pam, plans out her supper meals (those seem to be the hardest) for a whole month. She writes them on the calendar. She writes on recipe cards all the meals she and her husband have tried and liked and at the beginning of the month they go through them and pick the meals they're going to have, always throwing in a few new recipes. That way it's done for the month and she doesn't have to think about it again for four weeks. When she comes home from work she knows what she's going to fix and the stress of finding something for supper is over. I'd like to do it, too, just haven't started yet!
Wow...a while month. Sometimes I feel like I'm doing good if I've planned ahead 2 or 3 days. That would be nice having the whole month worked out. I think I'll try that for the month of February.
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