Tuesday, January 10, 2006


A Steadfast Spirit

David offered a prayer to God in Psalm 51:10 that has been a wonderful prayer for me to carry in my heart after I've had a day of dieting failure.

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit with me." Psalm 51:10

If I start focusing on the wrong motives, rather than to serve and honor God with my body and health, God can put my heart back in the right place. He can create in me a pure heart, a heart that seeks God and His glory rather than a heart that seeks my glory.

He can also renew a steadfast spirit. This is so important. Sometimes we fail. Maybe we fail more often than not. This is not the time to give up. Instead, it's time to ask God to renew a steadfast spirit within us. It is such an encouragement to me to know that God will renew my steadfast spirit, and He will renew yours, too.

This is an important Bible verse and prayer to remember when you are feeling defeated.

Hey Karen,
It's me again! I love the Bible text you mentioned today. It's David praying for renewal after his terrible sin. It gives me hope that I can be renewed!
One of my goals this year (along with the usual - lose weight) is to not drink caffeine anymore. I know, I should've done this YEARS ago, but it all hit home when I started reading this book called Caffeine Blues about all the horrible things caffeine does to your body. It was enough to convince me. So far, so good, but it is difficult once in awhile when I want a diet coke.
Thinking about wanting a diet coke and wanting to eat potato chips and french onion dip made me think that I need to find something else to be passionate about. If I was as passionate about God as I am about junk food, I just wonder how different my life would be. So, I'm using your blog to help me stay passionate about God and to take my focus off of food.
I will also pray for you, Karen, and the other bloggers on your site.
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