Friday, January 13, 2006


What can you accomplish today that will have eternal value?

This week, a friend tole me she was wondering if some of her earthly accomplishments will matter in heaven. It can ease the stress we put on ourselves when trying to accomplish too much if we think about this.

I immediately responded to her that the accomplishments we make here on earth will matter in heaven if they help someone be saved who otherwise wouldn’t be saved. Those accomplishments will have eternal value.

So what about our daily quest to make lifestyle choices for good health. How does maintaining our health have eternal value? After all, we'll all get new bodies in heaven and perfect health. Praise God for that! But think about this: If during my life, I make choices that promote health and avoid choices that wreak havoc on my body, I could extend my life by a few years. (If you think this is a stretch, look at the research from the NIH that shows how many years Christians with healthy lifestyle habits extend their lives, living 4 to 10 years longer than the average life expectancy. This was reported in the National Geographic November 2005 issue.) What if, during those extra few years, we are able to make an impact on another person's life helping them have a closer walk with God and helping to lead to their salvatation?

What if, by maintaining my health, I have a clearer mind and more energy to focus on my relationship with God?

In this respect, even our daily diet and exercise choices--choices to maintain health in order to live an active life in service for God--have eternal value.

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