Sunday, January 15, 2006


You Shall Be Filled

I have always loved the beatitudes found in Matthew 5. Did you know that there is a beatitude that can help you remember to seek fulfillment in Christ rather than food?

"Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled." Matthew 5:6 (KJV)

I have found the problem with junk food is that it is enticing but never fills the need. One piece of banana cake looks so good. It seems like it would fill the need. But I have found over and over again that after I eat any sweet treat, the craving is still there. I think I just need another. So I eat another, and the craving is still there.

This beatitude reminds me that I will be filled and satisfied if I hunger and thirst after righteousness. The next time I'm craving a piece of banana cake (which, by the way, is in my refrigerator right now because a friend brought it over to my house yesterday)I will remember to turn my focus away from that cake and put my focus on righteousness. Some of you must have been praying for me yesterday because I resisted the cake while everyone else indulged!

I'm going out walking/jogging today and will pray for each of you, that God will remind you to focus on his righteousness so that you will be filled.

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