Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Appetite an idol?

Lately, I've been reading about the children of Israel and how displeased God was when His people continually turned to idols and false gods. This has always puzzled me. I don't understand the temptation to worship an image of gold. I have never been tempted to worship an idol made of gold, and it seems ridiculous. However, I was taught as a child that if we put anything before God (a beautiful home, a nice sports car, etc.) that anything could become an idol if it were more important to us than God.

So, I started wondering if appetite could be an idol, a false god, and I found a quick, easy answer to this question in Philippians.

"Whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame—who set their mind on earthly things."
Philippians 3:19 (New King James Version)

So there's the answer. It is possible to turn our bellies, or our appetites, into a god. In this day and age, it's one of the many earthly things we set our mind on. Sometimes we seek chocolate with more diligence than we seek His kingdom.

Could God be as displeased with this as He was with the children of Israel worshipping their idols? And if they could have seen into the future, the children of Israel probably would have looked at me when I lost control of my appetite and considered that as bizarre as I consider their worshipping a golden calf.

Satan works hard to get us to turn our eyes away from Jesus. He knew long ago during the lifetime of the children of Isreal just how to tempt them, and he knows today during my lifetime just how to tempt me. This is another reminder of how crafty Satan is and why we need the armor of God every day.

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