Monday, February 06, 2006


A Purpose Firm

I've been thinking more about Tammy's post in January about how Daniel purposed in his heart to follow God in all ways, including taking care of his body. I keep wondering if the temptation for junk food bothers me because I'm not purpose driven enough, like Daniel was? Have I not purposed in my heart completely? Could this be why I'm still tempted by junk food? I think it's odd in some way how I'm never tempted to eat a burger or chicken or a steak. Because I am a vegetarian, these things don't tempt me. I made up my mind a long time ago that I just simply wouldn't eat them. I already made the decision, so I don't even consider it, and I'm never tempted by it. I would like to be like this, like Daniel, when it comes to ice cream and cookies. So I've been thinking more about what it means to purpose something in your heart. Here is how the Bible describes Daniel's decision:

"But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank..."
Danile 1:8 (21st Century King James Version)

"To purpose" means to "resolve to accomplish"
"Resolve" means "to make a firm commitment," and finally "firm" means "resistant to externally applied pressure."

That's it. It's the externally applied pressure that gets to me. The pressure to eat too much, the pressure to satisfy cravings with sweets instead of a passion for Jesus. No wonder it's a constant pressure. It's everywhere. It's in advertising. It's in the grocery store. It's in the restaurants. All this externally applied pressure!

The words to a children's song about Daniel tell us:
"Dare to be a Daniel. Dare to stand alone. Dare to have a purpose firm. Dare to make it known."

Today, I am praying for a purpose firm, and the ability to resist all of the externally applied pressure. Jesus will give us His strength and His armor to stand firm. Praise God. With Jesus, we're really not alone. This is my prayer for each of you as well.

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