Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Toil is More Important Than Talk

You're probably familiar with the phrase "Talk is cheap." It means all the words in the world, if not followed by action, are meaningless. I have to admit these past several days I've been full of talk but not a lot of action and it's leaving me very uninspired. I've been blogging daily (last night my Internet connection was off, so I'm posting yesterday's thoughts this morning), but when I get in a groove of not following my own advice, even I am not inspired by my blogging. I think to myself "blah, blah, blah" and add a "g" to the end so I'm thinking "blog, blog, blog" with a grumpy attitude!

Last night, I got a little jolt from a verse in Proverbs. These words express what I felt in my heart...

"In all toil there is profit, but mere talk tends only to want." Proverbs 14:23

"Toil" means "to proceed with difficulty." Practicing good nutrition, pushing the plate away before I've eaten too much, planning balanced nutritious meals for my family, eating few calories and exercising more to burn off calories -- all of this is hard work. It's difficult to be consistent. I can do it for a day or two, but keeping up is toilsome. It's a lot easier to jot down some ideas in a blog every day than to keep on keeping on with weight management plans. So, this is the Bible verse I need to carry in my heart to remind me that it is the toil that leads to results. If the talk does not lead me to action, the talk is a waste of time!

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