Sunday, May 07, 2006


The Voice of Truth

God talks to us is many different ways. We read His words in the Bible. We see his creative hand in nature. Sometimes we hear a still small voice--the Holy Spirit prompting our hearts. But sometimes life is so loud and noisy that God's voice is barely heard. We focus our attention on so many things at one time that we hardly have time to stop and listen to God's voice. We have tasks related to our job, or volunteer projects, or family activites consuming us. OR, we have the radio on or T.V. blaring, or the newspaper to read.

It America, each of us is exposed to an estimated 2,500 advertising messages per day (some estimates are as high as 3,000). From the bathroom stall to your grocery receipt, advertisements are everywhere, most of which can't even be taken at face value. There's always an angle, a slant. Can you really believe the ad featuring a weight-loss product that will help you lose 5, 10, 20 pounds in just a few weeks? They don't mention how many people fail, or how soon the weight comes back on.

The point is, we are bombarded with information. We have email messages to read, we have spam to filter and delete, we have telephone messages to return. So many voices. So many distractions. Still, in the middle of it all, the still small voice of God is there. We will hear God's voice if we listen.

I heard a song on a Christian radio last week. I had heard this song many times before, but this time, I paid attention to the lyrics. The song is "The voice of Truth" by Casting Crowns. I love this song. If we would only listen to the Voice of Truth rather than the lies that come from Satan, rather than the lies coming our way from the media, rather than lies lodged in our hearts from past experiences. Here are the words to the chorus:
But the Voice of Truth tells me a different story
The Voice of Truth says, "Do not be afraid!"
And the Voice of Truth says, "This is for My glory"
Out of all the voices calling out to me
I will choose to listen and believe the Voice of Truth

You can find the complete lyrics here:

In this busy world, with all the voices calling out to us, we must listen to the voice of truth. Jesus is our shepherd and He will not leave us. He will guide us. He will speak to us with a still, small voice. Don't ignore the voice. Listen to His Voice of Truth.
Along our path toward better health, He will guide us. He will help us make good choices and remind us of the truth.

"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me." Johne 10:27 (NIV)

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