Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Walking with Jesus in Baby Steps

I have found one of the greatest benefits of using the Armor of God to overcome appetite is my closer walk with Jesus. I can walk with Jesus and experience victory. I also notice the opposite effect as a disadvantage. When I go through my day without using the Armor of God, I feel distanced from Jesus. After walking close with Him, I notice a big difference when I'm not. Also, not only do I feel bad because I have let myself down, I feel doubly bad because I have let Him down. I am so glad Jesus never gives up on me. He encourages me to take baby steps instead of giant leaps.

Using the Armor of God to overcome appetite is a great way to build spiritual muscles, not just for maintaining health but for all the areas of life. I want to encourage you not to let the muscles grow weak though. We can build them up, but when we don't use them, they grow weak again. Keep taking baby steps, with a spirit of continuous improvement.

Here are some of the baby steps toward better health that I have taken one at a time.
1) Last year, I gave up chocolate. My daughter stopped eating chocolate, so I stopped with her. When she decided to eat chocolate again, I had gone so long without it, I decided to stick with my chocolate fast. Now, chocolate no longer even tempts me. I just know that I don't eat it. It's not even a question.
2) This year, I've been working on eliminating sweet desserts. God has been helping me overcome in this area.

My next baby step? I still have steps to take that will help me manage my overall health. I still really go for the bread and butter, plus cheese. I'm trying to decide what my next baby step should be. I need to overcome one thing at a time, conquering a little by little through the strength that comes from Jesus.

Let's keep taking one baby step at a time with Jesus, walking in His ways.

"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." Isaiah 30:21 (NIV)

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