Wednesday, October 04, 2006


My Favorite Bible Verse..."Let us not get tired of doing what is right ...

Maybe I can't really call it my favorite Bible verse, because my favorite verse seems to change on a weekly basis depending on what is happening in my life. However, there is one Bible verse that speaks to me and encourages me so much I could almost call it my favorite. I suppose it's my favorite Bible verse more often than any other Bible verse is my favorite, so maybe that does indeed make it my favorite!

Here it is in a Living New Testament Paraphrased:

"And let us not get tired of doing what is right, for after awhile we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't get discouraged and give up." Galations 6:9

How about you? Is there something you're tired of doing but you know it's the right thing? Are you ready to give up? Don't do it! Don't give up. Stick with what is right, even if it's hard. God has promised that you will receive a harvest of blessing if you do not give up.

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