Thursday, August 09, 2007


Famous in heaven?

I was just reading along in Daniel one day when all of a sudden I read something that made me stop and think. Daniel 9:23 tells us how Daniel was viewed in heaven.

“As soon as you began to pray, an answer was given, which I have come to tell you, for you are highly esteemed..." (Daniel 9:23).

An angel came to talk to Daniel. The angel told him he was highly esteemed. Now think about this for a minute. Can you imagine an angel coming to you and telling you that (in heaven) “you are highly esteemed!” Wow. How cool that would be. I so often feel like such a failure. Of course, that is Satan talking. In heaven, we are not considered failures. In heaven, we are all loved. Jesus came to die for all of us human beings to save us from our sins. But Daniel was highly esteemed. To me, this sounds like he was famous in heaven – not like Hanna Montana who is famous here on earth to my daughter and her friends! I’d much rather be famous in heaven, just like Daniel, than famous here on earth. How about you? Let's live our lives doing great things for the Lord so we can be famous in heaven!

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