Wednesday, October 01, 2008


This heart of mine

Have you heard the saying "Follow your heart?" Sounds like good advice, and sometimes it is. But what if your heart deceives you? It could happen, you know. Jeremiah recognized this when he wrote

"The heart is deceitful above all things
and beyond cure.
Who can understand it?" (Jeremiah 17:9)

I've been pondering times when my heart might deceive me and get in the way of my quest for good health. It happens when I crave things that aren't good for me. How long has it been since you craved something that wasn't good for you? And you knew it? For me, oh I would say, pretty much always! I'm tempted by junk food at least daily. This is an example of my heart and mind in conflict. My emotions tell me one thing, but my head is telling me something else. The thing about this is, my heart wins this battle when I rely on my own strength. My heart doesn't always want what's best for me and it can be pretty demanding when I'm facing chocolate ice cream!

One of my favorite Christian authors (EG White) wrote about this conflict and encourages us to rely on Jesus to fight these heart battles for us. Here is how she decscribes it:

"But you must remember that your will is the spring of all your actions. This will, that forms so imporant a factor in the character of man, was at the Fall given into the control of Satan; and he has ever since been working in man to will and to do of his own pleasure, but to the utter ruin and misery of man. But the infinite sacrifice of God in giving Jesus, His beloved Son, to become a sacrifice for sin, enables Him to say, without violating one principle of His government: 'Yield yourself up to Me; give Me that will; take it from the control of Satan, and I will take possession of it; then I can work in you to will and to do of My good pleasure.' When He gives you the mind of Christ, your will becomes as His will, and your character is transformed to be like Christ’s character. Is it your purpose to do God’s will? Do you wish to obey the Scripture? 'If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.' There is no such thing as following Christ unless you refuse to gratify inclination and determine to obey God. It is not your feelings, your emotions, that make you a child of God, but the doing of God’s will. A life of usefulness is before you if your will becomes God’s will. Then you may stand in your God-given manhood, an example of good works. You will then help to maintain rules of discipline instead of helping to break them down."

I like this passage because it reminds me to give up my own will (my own desires, the things this heart of mine craves) to the will of God. It’s amazing to me how a simple prayer at the time I’m facing temptation helps “Lord, please help me not to follow my will but your will. Please make the desires of my heart what you desire for me.” It’s the moment of decision, deciding to give up my will to Him, and it’s marvelous when His will becomes my will and the annoying temptation goes away.

I need to remember I can't always trust this heart of mine. I want to trust the Word of God. He does understand my heart, and He knows what's best for me. Instead of following my heart, I want to follow Jesus' heart. How about you?

PS: Shaun Groves sings a song about the heart, which I love and which also inspires me, called Welcome Home. He wrote the words and music. If you have never heard this song, you might want to track it down and listen to it.
Welcome Home lyrics

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